
6 Crucial Inner Changes That Lead to the Outer Changes You Desire

There’s little you can control in the world. Other people, the stock market, weather, or the price of tea in China are all outside of your influence. Fortunately, you can control yourself, and that’s all you need to control. Changing your inner world can lead to all the changes you wish to see in your life.

It can be hard to believe that changing your thoughts or attitude can make you healthy, wealthy, and wise, but making inner changes can have dramatic effects on every part of your life.

Enhance your life by making these internal changes:

How you view failure. Do you view failure as an embarrassment? Is it something you should avoid at all costs?

  • What if you viewed failure as simply a step along the way to success? Failure just means that the approach you used didn’t work. It’s an opportunity to re-tool your process and try again. If you keep learning and making improvements, how can you possibly fail in the long-term?
  • The way you view failure is a big part of whether or not you’ll be a successful person. How do you view failure? What view of failure would be useful to you?

Values. Suppose someone valued charity, kindness, and modesty. What type of life would they lead? Suppose someone else valued freedom, adventure, and courage. Now, suppose a third person valued money, power, and greed. It’s easy to see how these three people would lead very different lives.

  • What are your values? Do they support the life you want to live? Or, is your life in line with your values?

Beliefs. Beliefs color how you view the world and make decisions. If you believe that money is the root of all evil, that can certainly derail any efforts to amass wealth. If you believe that you’re just not good with people, your social life will suffer.

  • List some of your beliefs about money, yourself, and life in general. How are those beliefs helping or hurting you? What beliefs would be helpful for you to manifest and enjoy the life you desire?

Attitude. Do you expect things to work out for you, or are you primarily pessimistic? You’ll be less likely to try to do something if you have negative expectations. A positive attitude can help with your patience and ability to persevere when things aren’t going well.

  • Consider how your attitude is impacting the results you’re generating in your life.

Gratitude. Giving yourself a reminder of what is already working in your life can positively impact your attitude and expectations. It can also reduce anxiety and alter your perspective.

  • Take a few minutes in the morning and at night to mentally list the things that make you feel grateful. You can come up with a long list if you really think about it.

Thoughts. Our thoughts are under our control, though it might not seem that way. It’s easy to prove this to yourself. You can choose to think about an ice cream cone or a green cow. You can think about anything you like.

  • It’s important to take control of your thoughts. If you’re predominately thinking about negative outcomes, you’re going to struggle.
  • Monitor your thinking and try to keep your thoughts positive.

Changing yourself internally can give you everything you desire on the outside. Without making inner changes, it’s extremely challenging to change your behavior. You’re constantly fighting yourself, but willpower is not enough in the long-term.

Inner changes can eliminate the need for willpower. Rather than battling yourself day after day, make the inner changes that will create the outer changes you desire.